
A bacon and cheese double platter with fries, a cup of chili, and a mint chocolate shake. What a beautiful sentance that is. This is what I had for lunch today from my beloved Steak and Shake. Did I have to travel miles away to get such a feast? No sir! That's right folks, the reastaurant that put such cities at Ogdenville and North Haberbrook on the map has made its way to the Rocket City. Huntsville finally has a Steak and Shake! S and S has played a major part in the history of my family. When I was young, my family did a lot of traveling because of my brothers illness. Weekend trips to St. Louis, Indy, or Atlanta were common. It's the first place I remember eating at as a family. We would stop at the one in Belleville when we would go to Cards games, the one in Lawrenceville for ATL trips, and the one in Tara Haute on the way to Indy. If I had a good report card, it was a trip to Steak and Shake for a Frisco melt. Hot summer day, off to steak and shake for an Orange Freeze. My mom always gets the chicken taco salad and to this day she lets me peel off the left over taco shell that is too large for her to finish. In college, we would often get groups together and head over to the Steak and Shake at 52 and 26. Kevin Kerkhof liked to call this one "Steak and camp" due to their bad service reputation. They were probably the last restaurant in north america that didn't accept credit cards. Remember Royal Cola? It was the only chain you could find it. I don't think they switched to coke until the mid 90s.
Steak and Shake is an american icon, a throwback to the diners of the 1950s. Life seems simpler amongst the black and white checker walls. I will always have warm memories of countless trips I have made there in my life. I look forward to making new ones here in Huntsville.