
Showing posts from November, 2007

Child's play

I got to spend some quality time with the kids in Java Thanda on Tuesday. We taught them how to play "Duck Duck Goose", "Simon Says", and they taught us an awesome game where you have to guess who the leader is in a mob of kids and if you get it wrong, you have to either sing or dance in front of everyone. The mob gets to pick whether you sing or dance. I have some video of that somewhere. This video here is just everyone being silly in front of the camera. I had them follow whatever I was doing. Good times were had by all. :-)

back home

After 44 hours of travel, we are now back home. I look forward to posting more over the next couple of days. Thanks for all of your prayers. Many great things happened. We left our hearts with the people of India.

we are here

i am posting this from a small room inside out hotel in Hanmakonda. We finally got here last night after 2 days of travel. My days and nights are still a little off (we are 11.5 hours ahead), but I think my body will be adjusted after another nights sleep. Culture shock really doesn't do justice what we have experienced already. I have already taken 2 gigs of pictures/video so I will have plenty to show when we get back. We are staying right in the Hindu/Muslim political center. Mike said he has avoided staying at this hotel for 3 years for obvious reasons. We got out of our jeeps today and their were 6 muslim men, a couple holding uzi's. I can't say i will get used to that before we leave. As far as American standards go, this town is a dump. The bathroom and the dumpster are all the street. The roads are terrible and the building are all half finished. Regardless of the conditions in which these people live, they are some of the most amazing and kind hearted people you wi...

On our way....

Jesus paid it all all to him I owe sin had left a Crimson stain He washed it white as snow We are off. We pray for the Harvest, Peace, and reconciliation.


Our trip to India is only 11 days away. God is already moving and doing some amazing stuff in our lives. When I have a couple of minutes to write more, I will. This is a video I edited from the last e3 trip to Banjara-land. This will give you an idea of where we are going.   For His glory