
.sigh. What a great trip. We flew into Denver on Wednesday night and had some Boston Market with Kevin and Amanda. It seems that we always eat there when go to Colorado. There isn't really anything spectacular about it, we just always go. Thursday Annie and I spent almost 5 hours at the sports authority loading up on clearance snowboaring gear. They had a massive tent filled with items up to 80% off. I got a new board, boots, bindings, pants, and a jacket. Annie got the same, sans the board (hers is not that old). Our whole plan was to get in and out of there, head to the REI flagship downtown and then spend a few good hours reading at Tattered Cover. Unfortunately, none of that really happened. We had just enough time to spend a few minutes at REI and head over to Spaghetti Factory to meet up with Alecia. After dinner, we walked around downtown a bit and then headed back to Kevin’s for some shut eye. We met up with our friends Levi and Ashley on Friday at Breckenridge. Colorado h...